Dr. James O’Heare is a behaviorologist, having earned his Masters and then Doctoral Certificates in Behaviorology from The International Behaviorology Institute (TIBI), the educational branch of the professional organization managing the discipline of behaviorology, a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, and Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant through the IAABC. James has worked with people and their pets (dogs, cats, parrots, ferrets, rats, rabbits etc.) for over 20 years, has written more than 22 books, mostly geared to professionals, which are published throughout the world, translated into several languages, has published articles in peer-reviewed journals, and he has lectured internationally. James is a faculty member and teaches behaviorology through The Companion Animal Sciences Institute. New book. Click here.
Doctoral Level Behaviorology Certificate (DLBC)
The International Behaviorology Institute (www.behaviorology.org), Canton, USA
Masters Level Behaviorology Certificate (MLBC)
The International Behaviorology Institute (www.behaviorology.org), Canton, USA
B.A. Interdisciplinary Sociology & Social Psychology
Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada.
“First-Year Honors”
Work Experience
The International Behaviorology Institute
Board Chair
Companion Animal Sciences Institute (CASI)
Owner and primary instructor overseeing all administrative matters of CASI, a distance education school in companion animal behavior, training, and problem behavior resolution as well as fitness and nutrition. Instructing courses in principles of behavior, training technologies, functional behavioral assessment, contingency management planning, professional ethics, and professional activities. The courses are Masters level and provided to professionals. Approved or recognized by premier industry professional associations and certifying bodies toward certification or recertification education requirements.
Association of Animal Behavior Professionals (AABP)
Founder and Director of AABP. Designed in consultation with Advisory Board: Certification criteria, certification proficiency exam, code of ethics, procedures for resolving ethics complaints. The AABP is founded on the principles of standards of excellence, non-coercive intervention, and a behaviorological orientation in animal training and behavior technology.
Animal Behavior Technologist
Consulting with clients on resolving problem behaviors primarily with dogs but also with parrots and cats.
Consulting with clients on resolving problem behaviors primarily with dogs but also with parrots and cats.
Journal of Behaviorology
2014–2017 (and 2019–2022)
The International Behaviorology Institute
Chair, Board of Directors member, and Faculty member
Journal of Animal Behavior Technology
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC)
Co-founded (with Lynn Hoover) and served on the Board of Directors as well as served on the certification committee, ethics committee, and education committee. Served on the IAABC Professional Relations Committee to establish policy with regard to relations with Veterinarians.
Super Pet & Little Farm Pet Shops
Adoptions Counselor, Performing Humane Society of Ottawa adoptions and counseling services.
Advising customers with resolving problems with regards to all species of companion animal.
Aviary work: Hand raising and handfed various parrot species, socialization, basic training, and problem behavior resolution.
Bayview Animal Hospital
Veterinary Assistant. Pharmacist, receptionist, various duties involving restraint and cleaning in a veterinary hospital environment.
The International Behaviorology Institute 27th Anniversary Behaviorology Convention at Canton NY
2014 May 21–23
Delivered paper titled Behaviorology in the Field of Companion Animal Behavior Technology and What this Process can Contribute to the Emergence and Expansion of Behaviorology in Other Fields. Presentation was adapted to an article that was published in the fully peer reviewed Journal of Behaviorology.
International Dog Symposium
Delivered two symposium presentations on Aggressive Behavior in Dogs and Separation Distress Problems in Dogs. Held in Germany, hosted by Animal Learn.
Certifications and Memberships
Certified Animal Behavior Consultant #009 (IAABC) www.iaabc.org
Certified Dog Behavior Consultant Emeritas #009 (IAABC) www.iaabc.org
Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant Emeritas #009 (IAABC) www.iaabc.org
Professional Canine Behavior Consultant - Accredited (PPG) www.petprofessionalguild.org
Friend of the B. F. Skinner Foundation www.bfskinner.org/
Professional Memberships
Member, The International Behaviorology Institute Association (TIBIA) ww.behaviorology.org
Published by BehaveTech Publishing, Marketed and distributed internationally by Dogwise Publishing and some translated and published by publishers in Germany, Poland and Spain.
O'Heare, J. (2022). Animal Rights: Liberty and Justice for All. Tellewell
O’Heare, J. (2021). Sentient-being Rights. In S. F. Ledoux & J. O’Heare (Contributing Organizers), Some Intersections of Science, Coercion, Equality, Justice, and Politics—A teapot Tempest Stirs Science (pp. xx–xx). Los Alamos: ABCs. [click here]
Ledoux, S. F., & O’Heare, J. (Contributing Organizers). (2021). Some Intersections of Science, Coercion, Equality, Justice, and Politics—A Teapot tempest Stirs Science. Los Alamos: ABCs. [Forthcoming]
O'Heare, J. (2020) Housetraining Adult Dogs and Puppies.CASI Press.
O'Heare, J. (2019) Functional Behavioral Assessment.CASI Press.
O'Heare, J. (2018) Empowerment Training 2nd edition. BehaveTech Publishing.
O'Heare, J. (2018) Resolving Fears, Phobias and Anxieties: A Guide For Dog Guardians. Ottawa, Canada: BehaveTech Publishing
O'Heare, J. (2018). Resolving Fears, Phobias, and Anxieties: An Errorless Differential Reinforcement Approach For Professionals. Ottawa, Canada: BehaveTech Publishing.
O'Heare, J. (2018 in process) Study Questions for Parenting with Love by Glenn I. Latham. Canada, Ottawa: BehaveTech Publishing
O’Heare, J. (2017) The Science and Technology of Dog Training, second edition. BehaveTech Publishing
O’Heare, J. (2017) Aggressive Behavior in Dogs. 3rd Edition. BehaveTech Publishing
O’Heare, J. (2017) Training Dogs. Canada, Ottawa: BehaveTech Publishing
O’Heare, J. (2016) Problem Animal Behavior. Ottawa: BehaveTech Publishing
O'Heare, J. (2016) Canine Separation Anxiety Workbook. BehaveTech Publishing.
Ledoux, S. F., & O’Heare, J. (2015) Elements of the Ongoing History of the Behaviorology Discipline, in Ledoux, S. F. (2015) Origins and Components of Behaviorology Third edition.
O’Heare, J. (2015) Science and Technology of Animal Training. BehaveTech Publishing
O’Heare, J. (2015) Science and Technology of Animal Training Study Questions. BehaveTech Publishing
O'Heare, J. (2014) Study Questions for General Behaviorology by Lawrence Fraley.
O'Heare, J. (2014) Separation Distress and My Dog. BehaveTech Publishing.
O’Heare, J. (2014) Science and Technology of Dog Training. BehaveTech Publishing
O’Heare, J. (2014) Aggressive Behavior in Dogs. 2nd Edition. BehaveTech Publishing
O'Heare, J. (2010) Changing Problem Behavior. BehaveTech Publishing.
O'Heare, J. (2010) Empowerment Training. BehaveTech Publishing.
O'Heare, J. (2009) Separation Distress and Dogs. BehaveTech Publishing.
O'Heare, J. (2008) Vegan Dogs: Compassionate Nutrition. http://www.behavetech.com/vegandogs.html
O’Heare, J. (2007) The Dog Aggression Workbook. DogPsych Publishing.
O’Heare, J. (2007) Aggressive Behavior in Dogs: A Comprehensive Technical Manual for Professionals. DogPsych Publishing.
O’Heare, J. (2005) Raw Meat Diets for Cats and Dogs? DogPsych Publishing. (Spoiler alert: ill-advised)
O’Heare, J. (2003). Dominance Theory and Dogs. DogPsych Publishing.
O’Heare, J. (2001). Canine Neuropsychology for Dog Behavior Counselors and Trainers. DogPsych Publishing.
O’Heare, J. (2000). The Canine Aggression Workbook. DogPsych Publishing. (out of print - replaced by Dog Aggression Workbook)
O’Heare, J. (2000). The Canine Separation Anxiety Workbook. Gentle Solutions Publishing. (out of print - replaced by Separation Distress in Dogs)
Ledoux, S. & O’Heare, J. (2018). Elements of the Ongoing History of the Behaviorology Discipline Part II. Journal of Behaviorology 21 (2). pp. 3–17.
Ledoux, S. & O’Heare, J. (2018). Elements of the Ongoing History of the Behaviorology Discipline Part I. Journal of Behaviorology 21 (2). pp. 3–17.
Ledoux, S. & O’Heare, J. (2018). Elements of the Ongoing History of the Behaviorology Discipline Part I. Journal of Animal Behavior Technology 21 (1). pp. 13–28. in press.
O’Heare, J. (2018). The International behaviorology Institute Updated Certificate Programs. Journal of Animal Behavior Technology 21 (1). pp. 3–12. in press.
O’Heare, J. (2017). Correct classification of conditioned punishers as added versus subtracted stimuli. Journal of Animal Behavior Technology 7 (1). pp. 7–10 Click here for issue.
O’Heare, J. (2017, in press). Correct classification of conditioned punishers as added versus subtracted stimuli. Journal of Behaviorology. 20 (1). pp. 16–18
O’Heare, J. (2017). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 110 Introduction to Behaviorology Terminology. Journal of Behaviorology 20 (1) 19–21.
O’Heare, J. (2017). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 350 Behaviorology Philosophy and History. Journal of Behaviorology 20 (1) 22–24.
O’Heare, J. (2017). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 430 Resolving Problem Animal Behavior. Journal of Behaviorology 20 (1) 25–28.
O’Heare, J. (2017). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 480 Green Contingency Engineering. Journal of Behaviorology 20 (1) 29–31.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 100 Child Rearing Principles and Practices. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2) 3–5.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 210 Introduction to Behaviorology I. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 6–8.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 211 Introduction to Behaviorology II. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 9–12.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 330 Companion Animal Training. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 13–15.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 340 Introduction to Verbal Behavior. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 16–18.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 405 Basic Autism Intervention Methods. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 19–21.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 425 Classroom Management and Preventing School Violence. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 22–24.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 435 Performance Management and Preventing Workplace Violence. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 25–27.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 455 Behaviorological Thanatology and Dignified Dying. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 28–31.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 465 Behaviorological Rehabilitation. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 32–34.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 512 Advanced Behaviorology I. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 35–37.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 513 Advanced Behaviorology II. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 28–40.
O’Heare, J. (2016). The International Behaviorology Institute Syllabus for BEHG 541 Advanced Verbal Behavior. Journal of Behaviorology 19 (2), 41–44.
O’Heare, J. (2016). Minimally Aversive Contingency Management Planning. Journal of Animal Behavior Technology 6 (1). Click here for issue.
O’Heare, J. (2014). The Emergence and Expansion of Behaviorology in the Companion Animal Behavior Technology Field. Journal of Behaviorology. Click here for reprint.
O'Heare, J. (2013). The Least Intrusive Effective Behavior Intervention (LIEBI) Algorithm and Levels of Intrusiveness Table: a Proposed Best-practices Model. Version 5.0, from http://www.associationofanimalbehaviorprofessionals.com/liebi50.pdf
O'Heare, J. (2012). The Least Intrusive Effective Behavior Intervention (LIEBI) Algorithm and Levels of Intrusiveness Table: a Proposed Best-practices Model. Version 4.0, from http://www.associationofanimalbehaviorprofessionals.com/liebi40.pdf
O'Heare, J. (2009). The Least Intrusive Effective Behavior Intervention (LIEBI) Algorithm and Levels of Intrusiveness Table: a Proposed Best-practices Model. Journal of Applied Companion Animal Behavior, 3, 7–25.
O’Heare, J. (2008). An analytical evaluation of “differential negative reinforcement of successive approximations to alternative behavior” procedures in changing aggressive behaviors: a contribution to the dialogue. Journal of Applied Companion Animal Behavior, 2(1), 33–49.
O'Heare, J. (2007). Social dominance: Useful construct or quagmire? Journal of Applied Companion Animal Behavior, 1(1), 56-83.
O'Heare, J., and Santos, A. (2007). Why do people use harsh punitive behavior on dogs and how can we modify it? Journal of Applied Companion Animal Behavior, 1(1), 15-21.
O’Heare, J. (2005). Canine Aggression. Delivered at International Dog Symposium in Germany.
O’Heare, J. (2005). Canine Separation Distress. Delivered at International Dog Symposium in Germany.
O’Heare, J. (2005) Understanding Emotion in Dogs. The Association of Pet Dog Trainers UK Newsletter Summer 2005.
O’Heare, J. (2004) Real Life Group Dog Training Classes – Association of Pet Dog Trainers Newsletter.
O’Heare, J. (2003) Competitive vs. Cooperative Relations with Dogs -- Editorial. Published on www.ACABN.com
O’Heare, J. (2003) Event Expectancy and Canine Self-esteem (revised). Published on www.ACABN.com/caninearticles.html
O’Heare, J. (2002). Event Expectancy and Canine Self-esteem. Journal of The Academy of Canine Behavioral Theory, Vol.1, No.3.
O’Heare, J. (2002). Review and Critique of Pack Theory Models and an Introduction to Alternative Models of Domestic Dog Social Behavior. Journal of The Academy of Canine Behavioral Theory, Vol.1, No.1.
O’Heare, J. (2002). Mar/Apr. Canine Neuropsychology and Dog Training. Association of Pet Dog Trainers Newsletter.
O’Heare, J. (2001). Sep/Oct. The Effects of Spaying and Neutering on Canine Behavior. Off Lead Magazine.
O’Heare, J. (2001). Fall. Apart From You (Separation Anxiety in dogs). Canadian Association Of Professional Pet Dog Trainers Forum Magazine.
O’Heare, J., and Steinker, A. (2001). Oct. Management and Prevention of Stress in Agility Dogs. Clean Run Magazine.
O’Heare, J. (2001). Jul/Aug. Separation Anxiety. Off Lead Magazine.
O’Heare, J. (2001). Summer. Mind Over Manners (Chemical Reactions in the Dog’s Brain and Behavior Problem Treatment). Canadian Association Of Professional Pet Dog Trainers Forum Magazine.
O’Heare, J. (1999). Jenny’s Gastrointestinal Challenge. Modern Ferret Magazine. Vol 4 No. 2. 55-57.
O’Heare, J. (1998). New Ferret Introductions – Jenny’s Story. Modern Ferret Magazine. Vol. 3 No. 5. 24-28.
James' Story
Quoted from:
Ledoux, S. F., & O’Heare, J. (2015) Elements of the Ongoing History of the Behaviorology Discipline, in Ledoux, S. F. (2015) Origins and Components of Behaviorology Third edition.
James O’Heare studied psychology through the mid 1990s and early 2000s as it was the only higher education, behavior–related program of study both culturally familiar and available. However, while he worked through programs, the inadequacy of practices connected to and extended from psychological theories, due to the mystical nature of the discipline, left him dissatisfied. This contingency compelled him to quit dealing with psychology, and he renounced his psychology education as hopelessly irrelevant in explaining and controlling behavior. This contingency also led to his finding behavior analysis, which he studied as professional development, because no formal educational opportunities existed where he lived and worked. Well into that process, he encountered behaviorology and TIBI. O’Heare then began working through the TIBI courses at the undergraduate level, without an instructor, including most of the courses required for the Behavior Literacy Certificate (BLC), the Associate of Behaviorology Certificate (ABC), the Professional Studies in Behaviorology Certificate (PSBC), and the Baccalaureate Level Behaviorology Certificate (BLBC) as listed on the tibi website (www. behaviorology.org). He then contacted TIBI about enrolling formally in coursework at the graduate level (as again, no university programs of study in behaviorology were available where O’Heare resided and worked). After in–person interviewing, testing, and review of previous experience and previous study products, O’Heare was assigned a TIBI faculty mentor and, over some years, satisfied requirements first for the Masters Level Behaviorology Certificate (MLBC) and then for the Doctoral Level Behaviorology Certificate (DLBC). O’Heare’s situation is somewhat unique in that his education is in behaviorology itself, through TIBI rather than being secondary to other [useless] credentials. O’Heare was attracted to the defining features of behaviorology over behavior analysis both in that behaviorology was a full discipline rather than just a branch of another (incommensurable) discipline and that it was completely independent of psychology.
Throughout this time frame, O’Heare had been working as an animal trainer and behavior consultant, helping clients engineer contingencies to resolve problematic behaviors that other contingencies were inducing their companion animals to exhibit. He worked with clients and many different species of companion animal, first under the common medical–model approach, then under the behavior analysis label, and eventually as a behaviorologist. After publishing, in the late 1990s, his first of several books, entitled The Canine Separation Anxiety Workbook, O’Heare began instructing on–line courses for professional animal trainers and behavior consultants, again, through this time frame, under the label of behavior analysis and eventually, upon completing formal education in the discipline, under the behaviorology label.
The Companion Animal Sciences Institute (CASI), which O’Heare founded, now provides a completely behaviorological set of courses and programs of study at the technologist level (i.e., basic professional proficiency, not full professional behaviorologist level). The courses have been approved for consideration toward certification and as continuing education units toward recertification educational requirements by the industry’s leading professional associations and certifying bodies. O’Heare also founded the Association of Animal Behavior Professionals (AABP). This professional association for behaviorologically oriented animal–behavior technologists provides certification and other benefits such as the only peer–reviewed journal for animal–behavior technologists, the Journal of Animal Behavior Technology (JABT). These expand the influence of behaviorology within this field.
… O’Heare sees the expansion of behaviorology, as the primary informing basic natural science of behavior, as a priority. He presented a paper at the tibi twenty–seventh Behaviorology Anniversary Conference in 2014 on the history of behaviorology within the companion animal behavior field, and published a short version of that paper in the following issue of the Journal of Behaviorology (O’Heare, 2014a). In a later article, O’Heare (in press) explicitly argues for more wide–spread adoption of behaviorology as the informing natural science of behavior in the companion animal behavior field, rather than psychology, ethology, or even behavior analysis.
… In 2006, O’Heare founded the more niche Association of Animal Behavior Professionals (AABP; see www. AssociationofAnimalBehaviorProfessionals.com) in order to promote specifically a strong dedication to added reinforcement–based methods and the systematic application of behaviorological principles rather than the dominant medical model and eclectic ethology–oriented approaches. The AABP provides certification for … dog, cat, and parrot behavior technologists.
O’Heare became the first recognized behaviorologist (although not the first natural scientist of behavior) working with companion animals and their guardians as well as with fellow companion–animal professionals. On the basis of his increasing behaviorological competence, and his experience instructing multitudes of professional animal trainers and animal behavior technologists over the last couple of decades in the principles of behaviorology, he has published many books geared toward professionals (e.g., O’Heare, 2014b, 2015a).
Professional Plant Based Certification (Graduate 96%) http://www.rouxbe.com/plants/syllabus
2016 Feb 4 - July 4
This course offers foundational instruction in plant-based culinary arts. With a focus on the application of core techniques in the plant-based kitchen, the experience will allow you to explore and practice a variety of recipes and flavors from around the world. The course begins with a quick set-up to get you started cooking right away. A full introduction to core techniques for cooking vegetables, grains, legumes, and meat and dairy alternatives is followed by a culinary world tour of plant-based foods and flavor principles. The course also covers advanced raw techniques and addresses health supportive cooking with no oil, low sodium, and gluten free options. A variety of Rouxbe Rx Wellness Menus that target specific health concerns will be offered, along with a variety of other professional resources and downloadable teaching materials.
Professional Kitchen Experience
1987 - 1998
Cook in a professional kitchen. Shift Supervisor.
Krav Maga Instructor, Krav Maga Ottawa, Graduate Level 2 http://kravmagaottawa.com
Federation of Israeli Martial Arts Krav Maga Instructor https://thefima.com/
2016 - 2022
Krav Maga is a combatives system formulated and used by the Israeli Defense Forces and other elite military and law enforcement forces around the world and is also adapted for civilians. Krav Maga is not a sport or a martial art. There are no rules, no refs, and assumes multiple armed opponents. The solutions are therefore brutally effective. Krav Maga employs principles that emphasize threat neutralization, simultaneous defensive, offensive solutions, and high levels of aggression. Passed Practitioner 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 tests and my graduate level 1 test. Undergoing advanced training for the rest of the graduate levels (2, 3, 4 and 5). Seminars: VIP Protection; Combat Seminar 1; Non-conventional Tactics; Use of Weapons; Use of Cold Weapons, Bar Fight seminar; Combat seminar 2; Ground Survival seminar (with Avi Moyal, head of IKMF Krav Maga). Tactical Shooting course through Krav Maga Kanata by Fighter Systems Instructor.
Shorinji Kempo (Practitioner - Brown Belt earned) http://www.shorinjikempo.or.jp/wsko/
1990 - 1992 September 6 - Present
Shorinji Kempo is a practical oriented martial art from Japan that includes both hard techniques such as strikes and kicks as well as soft techniques such as locks, evasions, and throws.
Police Sciences Diploma
1992 - 1994
Coursework in justice administration, patrol procedures, criminal investigation, criminal law, traffic investigation, narcotics investigation ands controls, use and care of firearms, criminalistics.
Security Guard, North American Security Services & Instructor, North American Security Services Academy (http://www.security.ca) 1991 - 1995
Worked as a security guard in various postings and was Instructor for the North American Security Services Academy, a 40-hour security guard certification course.
Armed Guard Training
Tactical shooting course instructed by the Ottawa Police’s Glynn Davies required for certification as an armed guard. The course included firearms safety as well as tactical shooting decision making and techniques/skills.